Music- liturgical choir
Our adult choir, under the direction of our organist, Peter Woodwark, leads the musical component of our 10 am Sunday services and six Choral Evensong services. A wide variety of hymns, appropriate to both the season and the lections of the day are selected. Singing in the choir expands one's musical knowledge and skill. Choristers maintain that benefits to both physical and spiritual health flow from singing hymns of praise together at choir practices as well as Sundays.
St. James Liturgical Choir welcomes worshippers of many backgrounds. Choir practice is Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 pm. To find out more about the Liturgical Choir, please speak with Peter Woodwark, Val Leavitt, or contact the office.
Music - Junior Choir and Youth Choir
Our junior choir, under the direction of our Music Associate, Val Leavitt, practices Thursday afternoons/evenings. Please see additional information under Children and Youth Ministries.
Altar Guild
Each week a team of two prepares the altar for three Eucharist services. Preparation includes ensuring that the proper linens are in place, setting out the communion vessels, ensuring there is sufficient wine and bread, and if needed, changing the frontals for the proper liturgical season. All silver and brass are polished twice per year. Altar flowers and candles are also the responsibility of the Altar Guild. New members are always welcome to join us. Please speak with Jackie Morris, or contact the office.
The first contact you might have when you visit St. James is one of our friendly and knowledgeable sidespeople. Besides providing a cheery smile, sidespeople provide you with a service program, prayer and hymn books, and perhaps a comfy cushion, an assisted hearing device, or directions to the coat rack or washroom. If you would like to join our team of sidespeople, please contact the office.